Feedback Forms
Please choose the service you are leaving feedback for below.
Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. We always welcome feedback and would love to hear yours. We collect your feedback to help improve our service and follow up (discuss) on any issues that you raise.
Please be assured your information will be kept confidential and will in no way affect the support you receive from our service or from ACC.
Ngā mihi ki a koe i whai wā ki te whakahoki kōrero mai. He mihi hoki mō ōu whakaaro. I kohikohi whakaaro mātou ki te whakawhanake i tō mātou Specialist Rehabilitation Services. Ka whakawhiti kōrero tātou e pā ana ki ngā take katoa i puta.
Kia mōhio koe ka noho matatapu o pārongo. Kia mōhio hoki koe e kore o tātou taunekeneke e rerekē, mai i a mātou o Specialist Rehabilitation Services me ACC.