Feedback Form - Social Rehab Assessment

Ngā mihi ki a koe i whai wā ki te whakahoki kōrero mai. He mihi hoki mō ōu whakaaro. I kohikohi whakaaro mātou ki te whakawhanake i tō mātou Specialist Rehabilitation Services. Ka whakawhiti kōrero tātou e pā ana ki ngā take katoa i puta.

Kia mōhio koe ka noho matatapu o pārongo. Kia mōhio hoki koe e kore o tātou taunekeneke e rerekē, mai i a mātou o Specialist Rehabilitation Services me ACC.

Tīpakohia he mata hei whakaatu o kare-o-roto

Whakaute: I tiaki pai ngā kaimahi o SRS i a ahau

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Whakakakau: Nā ōku whakawhiti kōrero ki ngā kaimahi o SRS i noho mauri tau ahau

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Mātauranga: I mātau ahau ki ngā take o ngā kaimahi o SRS

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Māramatanga: I mārama ngā kaimahi o SRS ki ōku āhuatanga

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Āwhina: Nā te āwhina o ngā kaimahi o SRS, i piki ai tōku oranga

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He kōrero anō: Tukua mai he kōrero hei whakawhanake i a SRS

Ka tuku tautoko mai koe mā SRS ki ō hoa, ki ō whānau rānei?

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